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I often get paid to make people fat,However, I pay even more to get fatter.

Monday 16 May 2011

Wonder or blunder?! Lassi experimenting!

Oh summer! As much as I love the way you turn around fashion this season, you're not working so well for me. As much as I love having the red Popsicles and chilled fruit juices or lemonades, you're killing me. Alright alright, I'll get over it already!
Yogurt is, by far, the best product used to cool off during the summer – ice creams, sorbets or some frozen yogurt. One of the easiest homemade drinks in the sub-continent is Lassi. Not only is it delicious, it is extremely healthy and is often considered a great drink to beat the heat.
Lassi can be made in many different ways, usually by adding herbs, spices or fruits for flavor. The most common ones are the sweet and the salty Lassi. A “Pure Lassi” is made with milk and yogurt and topped with a thin layer of malai, a clotted cream, also known as Devonshire cream.
The Lassi I decided to prepare was with strawberries (my favorite summer fruit) and cinnamon. Although, Lassi is usually made with either cumin or cardamom, I decided to go with cinnamon – just out of a bit curiosity.
Cinnamon- small piece for flavor
Lassi can be made as per taste; add sugar if you please, only a small pinch of salt and strawberries according to how flavored you want your drink. Blend these items along with some crushed ice and voila! A chilled strawberry Lassi is ready.
A verdict on my lassi - it tastes different, I wouldn't say it’s excellent but it was chilled and a surprise to my taste buds. Nevertheless, I recommend you try it or if you prefer, follow the same steps and make a mint lassi excluding the cinnamon and strawberries. If cinnamon is you thing, go ahead and add it but cumin and cardamom are great alternatives.
Simplest recipe: yogurt, milk and sugar (or salt) depending how you want it to taste. Salt is the “lighter” option. On the other hand, if you decide to go with the sweet Lassi, make sure you serve them with some PARATHAS. Yes, those lovely street parathas! 

Money saving tip:
If you're going to need a glass of lassi everyday you are obviously going to make sure of a lot of yogurt on daily basis so you might as well make your own extra yogurt at home and save some extra bucks. It’s super simple!
Heat 1 litre of milk; as it comes to a steam switch your heat off. Let it cool for a few minutes and add 4 Tbsp of yogurt. Let it cool in the fridge (I had kept it outside but preferably in the fridge).
You've got more than a litre of yogurt for half the price! Personally, I prefer the taste of homemade yogurt to the packed ones we get outside. If you feel 4 Tbsp is not enough, you can always add a bit of extra yogurt while preparing it.

Heat beating-ly yours

1 comment:

  1. Ahh I miss the street parathas and the lassi in pakistan so much

    looks like a great recipe pretty gutsy with the cinnamon its finally getting warm here so definitely gonna try it out

    and great post your quirkiness is refreshing :)
